Dreaming of starting your very own home business? There are many reasons why people decide to start a small business. Maybe you want more money to pay the bills, save for childrens' college, buy a new home, buy a new car. Maybe you have a goal to retire in 10 years or less. The benefits include financial freedom, leverage, residual income, family values, tax incentives, personal growth, helping others, recognition, and leadership
However, starting a business in a recession to make money or Retire in 10 years or less may be frightening to many people, but not having an alternate source of income and becoming unemployed can be even scarier. Here is information to help you make money a home businesses that can prosper even more in a recession.
Starting a home business, including selecting the best products or services to sell can be a daunting task to say the least if you don't understand your market and what is needed. Fortunately, there is enough information readily available online to help you research business opportunities. Unfortunately, many of the business opportunities you come across are scams. A work at home business can be very satisfying or it can be a nightmare.
Working From Home Helping Baby Boomers.
It is vital to understand the needs of a particular market before committing yourself to a home business. You need to know certain things about the market you are going after if you want to be successful. Understanding the market size and scope, the market's spending power and spending characteristics and trends. One market that is popular is the Baby Boomer market. It consists of over 78 million people who are reaching retirement age. Many large companies have been targeting this market for years. These are people who were born between 1946 and 1964. Nearly 8,000 of these Baby Boomers turn sixty years old daily beginning in 2006. Those same people are now 63 years old.
What do you think is on their minds as a result of the stock market crash and the deep recession that has crippled this nation for the past 18 months? What do you think their major concern is now that over 2 trillion dollars has been lost in retirement accounts and 401(k)s?
What would you call a situation where 78 million people who are on the verge of retirement have lost a significant amount of their retirement savings, are facing rising unemployment rates, rising health care costs, and are living longer than past generations? Most people would call this a disaster. It's like the scene in the movie "Perfect Storm" where the meteorologist studying the weather graphics says "this could be a disaster of epic proportions. This could be the perfect storm."
That's exactly what 78 million Baby Boomers are faced with right now. Their greatest fear is that they will outlive their money. Can you imagine what life would be like in your late 60's with no money?
These people are desperately seeking financial solutions to their problem.
Some of the options available to them are:
• Work longer. Do you know what the problem with this option is?
• Get a part time job during retirement. Do you know what the problem with this option is?
• Get a reverse mortgage where they sell their home to a mortgage company at current value and receive monthly payments. Do you know what the problem with this option is?
• Buy annuities which will allow the person to receive payments for life. Do you know what the problem with this option is?
• Lower their standard of living. Essentially reduce expenses in their golden years. Do you know what the problem with this option is?
• Start a home-based business allowing them to make money from the comfort of their homes while taking advantage business tax deductions. Do you know what the problem with this option is? Most home businesses fail due to lack of support, training, and mentoring which leads to business failure within the first year. Many others are scams and do not offer any type of guarantee.
Ask yourself this question - at what age do most people plan to retire? Age 65 right? These people have 2 years to go. By the way, how soon do you want to retire? Do you want to retire in 10 years or less? How concerned are you about having enough money to retire? Not having enough money to retire is what over 78 million people are concerned about right now. As a matter of fact, according to a recent survey conducted by The National Association for Variable Annuities, 95% of Americans fear they will run out of money during retirement. Again approximately 2 trillion dollars were lost in Americans' retirement accounts over the previous 18 months due to the recession. You will be successful if you start a home business that addresses the needs and solves the financial problems of over 78 million Baby Boomers.
This content is provided by James Riddle and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. James Riddle is providing hope to Americans by helping people prosper financially and get on the path to becoming wealthy through home-based business and work at home opportunities.
Visit www.imnotbrokeanymore.com for more information.
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